(Client’s real names have been withheld for privacy reasons)
We just wanted to give you an update after you worked with Vi……. couple of years ago. She got accepted in University of Guelph in Wildlife biology and conservation, which is her dream university and the field she wanted to go into. She received $1000 entrance scholarship for her grades. Vi also received the honour of being chosen as the one student in her school to be interviewed for our local paper for the « Inspire » editorial, based on inspiring students in the community. We are so grateful for your work with us. There is much information that you gave that we are reviewing prior to her attending this fall. She also ended up taking your suggestion and attended Canadian Ecology centre for two summers, which she loved. We would never have known about that opportunity if not for you. Again, thanks for everything.
I just wanted to thank you again for your work with G….. late last year. She was accepted last week to her first-choice, the therapeutic recreation program at Brock. A program she wouldn’t have learned about without your assistance!
R…., with your guidance, is in second year mechanical engineering at McMaster and thriving – we are so grateful for your guidance with him.
M…. is in her first year at Queen’s in the Concurrent Education program. She got in with a 95 average in French Immersion and is in the Bacher of Arts and Science program. She is planning on majoring in English or Poli Sci and minoring in French. She is looking at teaching at the secondary level. She is having a blast. She has a roommate at Morris Hall with a view of the lake. She is loving all of it. She has gotten involved in intramural sports and has taken advantage of the free services with essay writing. She is where she is supposed to be.
Just as an update about N…… – the testing with you absolutely paved her way with her choice. She is currently enrolled in the Rec & Leisure program at the University of Waterloo and absolutely loving it. She is doing the co-op program there. So thankful for finding you and being able to use your expertise to guide her.
Just wanted to say thank you again for all your help a couple years ago. The diagnostic tools you provided were quite accurate in predicting what the girls chose to study at university this fall. Both Mckenna and Victoria are excited about their fall plans. Mckenna choose biomedical engineering at Guelph and Victoria choose kinesiology at Queen’s. Both will also be playing lacrosse. Both also won a couple of nice scholarships locally and via their high school. Your coaching on submissions made a difference thank you!
You saw my daughter P…….. in Feb 2022 and it was SUPER helpful. She just completed her 1st year of University (Honours Chemistry program) and is doing great.
Our daughter, M…. chose to pursue Health Sciences at Queens University and she’s completing her first year. She is really enjoying her program and thriving academically and socially. Thanks for all your help in getting her there. We appreciate it.
We just wanted to thank you for all your help with J……We went to the open house at Fanshawe on Sat Oct 28. We really liked the program and residence there. Met some of the wonderful professors and thought the program was perfect for her. On Sun Oct 29, we applied to the program. She received an early acceptance on Thurs Nov 2 and we accepted the offer!! We are so proud of her and we are all excited for her next phase of her life and education
R…….., who you helped, is happily enrolled in mechanical engineering at McMaster – thank you so much for your guidance with him!
I just wanted to let you know that V……went to Canadian ecology centre this summer and she really enjoyed it. She completed her grade 11 biology and got 94% in her final grade. Just wanted to thank you so much for the suggestion when we came to see you, it was a great experience for her. We very much appreciated our time with you sharing your expertise and wisdom with us.
I wanted to give you an update on E….. This week she made her post secondary decision and has accepted her offer to Queens for a bachelor of computing. We toured many campuses and she had multiple offers and choose Queens. She has worked hard and we are thrilled for her. Thank you for all your help and support!
I wanted to send a quick note to thank you for your direction and support. We got word on Monday that my son, S……, is one of the 60 students that has been accepted to the University of Guelph’s Bachelor of Landscape Architecture program! We are all so thrilled. He had also been accepted to Dalhousie’s Truro campus for a similar program. He would never have known that such a future was possible without your help and we are eternally grateful.
I wanted to thank you again for all your help, I definitely feel more confident in my post-secondary path.
You may not remember me, but I graduated high school (NACI) in 1989. During my last years there, you were tremendously helpful in guiding me through the university application process and prompting additional exploration to narrow down my interests. I clearly remember many meetings in your office and feeling so supported. You were likewise helpful to my best friend, Loriann, who also went on to university. I am now an insurance industry VP and Loriann is a very successful senior social worker. I don’t know that I would have been able to navigate the next steps leading to university on my own and I am eternally grateful that you took the time to get me there. I was at a management meeting recently where we were asked to name three people that had an impact on our lives and you were one of them. I am not sure why I never reached out to say thank you and it prompted me to look you up. I just wanted you to know what a positive difference you made in my life.
You may recall working with my eldest, J…..? Well, he’s doing fine. Better than fine – thriving! Into his second year of Commerce at Guelph. At home in the city and happy with this program.
It’s been a little while since my daughter & I have met with you. I’m happy to say she’s in her second year at Brock & even though the course has its challenges she’s exactly where she needs to be & is very happy with her decision & your guidance.
Hi Fred, I am looking to make a career transition and would love to work with you again. I am struggling to narrow down what I’m good at but would know I want to do something different. We worked with you back in 2011-2013 with my high school kids, C…. and M…. The information and results you provided them were invaluable! They choose career paths that were aligned with them and their interests and are thriving thanks to you. So often people can feel lost or choose a career because it sounds sexy or their friends are doing it. You and your testing weed out the noise and help them focus on their strengths and I am so thankful our paths crossed. Now it’s my turn! I’m looking to do something similar with my career and would be interested in pinpointing my strengths, Looking forward to hearing from you. S…..
“I cannot thank you enough for your help with E……. You are a wealth of information and you gave her the peace of mind and confidence to help her make the right decision.”
“Thank you so much again for all your help. I’ll tell other moms too how amazing your services are so they might contact you.”
We all wanted to thank you very much for your time this evening. It was an extremely valuable meeting and helped better prepare all of us for this next stage of M….. life and education. He is feeling far more comfortable tackling the admission process and the resources you provided are incredibly helpful. You are a kind person with a true desire to help this next generation succeed in their schooling and in life!
FYI so far on both girls the recommendations that came back from your “testing” have come true. My oldest M……. has taken to the world of business. My middle daughter, A…… 2nd year University for Electrical Engineering. You promoted the benefits of women in Engineering and she just was awarded a $5,000 scholarship with a work term with Ontario Hydro for Women in Engineering.
J….- is about to complete her second year of Mechanical Engineering at UofT. J….’s meetings with you helped her select “Track One”engineering for first year where she did not have to select a discipline until 2nd year. This worked well for J…. since she was able to feel out the courses and where she felt more engaged/interested. She is also doing very well and has further selected her specializations to be mechatronics and energy. She was fortunate to secure a research position with one of her professors and will return to work with him this coming summer.
I have met with you on two occasions with each of my two daughters, R…..and N…. I am happy to say they are well on their way towards their careers with R….. graduating from Mohawk and working in Health Care Administration at Oakville Trafalgar Hospital and she is loving it. N…. is in her second year at UofT in Humanities with a view of becoming a French Immersion and History high school teacher. She is generally loving her courses though virtual classes are challenging.
I had the pleasure of meeting you a couple of years back with my daughter N………… I am happy to inform you that she is currently at the University of Guelph studying Human Kinetics. She is enjoying her program – however, COVID has certainly changed the whole experience.
Thank you so much. You are incredible. The amount of information you know and share is unbelievable. He came home and talked to the whole family about his future and all of his options. He is very shy as you could see, so it really helped with his confidence knowing that he has options. He is excited about his future.
Thank you for all of your assistance this year. M…. is especially grateful that you introduced her to her new program: Arts and Science at Mac. She did get into all programs she applied for, and had decided that Mac was her new home. We are so very proud of her, and thank you so much for introducing her to the Arts and Science program. She is unhappy that it is online first semester, but is excited nonetheless. Now the big decision…. MacBook Pro or iPad Pro…… so many options….. Again Fred, thank you for the service you provide. Our journey would have been far more difficult without your guidance.
Thanks for your service. It helped us to understand better about our daughter’s future direction of study. She has received 91.5% average for the first semester, and because of that, she has got two offers from the University of Waterloo and University Toronto Mississauga life science program. We count on your concise analysis information, and wish you all the best!
AM,….here, dad of L… and E….. Thank you so much for your wisdom and knowledge and guidance. L… graduated with a Masters in Industrial Relations from Queens, and E…. (my daughter you saw last year), decided on a Kinesiology major and then wants to do a Masters in Physiotherapy. She got accepted into Waterloo and Laurier and will do tours of them both to see which program she likes. She is leaning toward Waterloo because it has the coop. Thank you. God bless you
Good news, E….. got into the Landscape Design program at Fanshaw, and she is very excited about Fanshawe’s co-op opportunities in Italy!
I hope that this email finds you well. I would like to thank you so much for all of your help and support with our daughter J….. She has just finished her first semester at the University of Guelph and is loving every minute of it. I credit the support that you gave her which definitely helped her to get where she is now.
I want to thank you again for your guidance with our son A….., and give you an update. Up until 3 days before the application deadline, A…. was planning to take a gap year. At the last minute he changed his mind. I think a large part of it was that he saw that many of his friends were going to be moving on. Anyway, he did indeed attend Niagara college in the horticulture program, as you had recommended. He LOVES it! His first year was wonderful, and he thrived at his co-op! He was so thrilled and proud when the owners at the greenhouse/ tree farm asked him back when he graduated this April, and offered him a position as assistant greenhouse manager! What a confidence booster!
It has been a while, but I just wanted to let you know that K…… studied her hardest and was very fortunate to be just one of 25 students accepted for early placement in the pharmacy program at Waterloo. So she will do two years of undergrad science and then the four years of pharmacy and graduate with a BS and PharmD.
You saw my son E …..this winter, and I’m so pleased with the career focus he got from you. He has really determined that he would like to do Cognitive Science, ideally at Carleton. His is so excited about it he attended a Carleton orientation in Mississauga, and has brought his marks up to apply to the program next year (grd 12).
My son, S……., is loving the commerce (marketing) program at U of G. We are so glad we brought him to see you. I have since recommended you to other teachers for their kids.
M…….. came to you in grade 11, from Humberview High School, uncertain and unsure of what to progress in. You helped her with something she may be skilled in, or passionate about. One thing was “Environmental Studies”. I wanted to thank you, since she is graduating from Wilfred Laurier, four years later, with Honours, BA in this field. Since she started, she has worked at Heart Lake Conservation Area, for now, going onto four years, and seeking a career in this field and has won an award with the city of Waterloo on her studies in this field. I expect you may not hear from students or people you have helped in the past (or may), but wish to thank you for that help you gave her, and deeply believe you have opened the options and ideas to her future.
I’m not sure if I ever looped back with you about D……… He ended up getting into University of Waterloo engineering (Mechatronics) and is currently on his second workterm (finished his 2A school term) working for Ford doing development on their infotainment systems… voice control over the navigation and stereo something or other. He loves the course and the school and continues to be successful academically.
My sister has raved about her son J…… and her visit with you and using your services. I would like to set up a meeting to chat as soon as possible.
K….. is very happy at McMaster in biomedical engineering and integrated health science. Thank you for all your help!
We are glad to report that C……. is doing extremely well at the University of Toronto having just completed her second year of Chemical Engineering. She was able to secure an entrance scholarship, continues to do well academically and has found several extra curricular activities to satisfy her athletic interests. This summer she is working as a research assistant at the university with one of her professors and hopes to take advantage of their co-op “Professional Experience Year” after 3rd year. Needless to say she/we feel her meetings with you were beneficial and helped her forge a path forward from high school.
I have to say I am thrilled that she is taking the initiative regarding her future. I will be thanking my aunt for her recommendation – she clearly sees value in your expertise and I am just glad to have a source to help guide us, as you mentioned it is a very different world than when I went to university.
My daughter ….. saw you last year and you were a great help in giving her direction for university. She is going into her second semester at Guelph in the Biomedical Engineering program.
Thank you so much for your guidance with L….. last Wednesday. We have spent a great deal of time discussing what you spoke about in decision making and what his interests might be. It offered some hope and direction for him to know that there are options and possibilities to make his post secondary experience a good one.
Hi Fred, we met last year with my daughter M…… who was in grade 12 at the time. All is going well with her, she has been accepted into York University with plans to complete a concurrent B.Ed and B. Music. On all fronts it appears to be a great fit. Thanks for the important role you played in helping her discover her path and passion.
My daughter L……came to you for career counselling a while ago. I am pleased to report she started in Jan. 2016 in the Cosmetic Techniques and Management Program at Seneca-Newnham. It ties in nicely with your report results showing her interest in business and personal services. She is enjoying it. It is a business diploma with a focus on the beauty industry. Thank you for setting her on the right track!
I was just recommending your services to a colleague who has a teenage son who could do with your guidance. I thought I would follow up with you on the choices made by my two – V….and C….. I can’t thank you enough for your excellent advice and guidance and only wish I had engaged your services when they first started high school.
I just want to tell you that I enjoy your knowledge….. As you may already know, it is tough to find people that “get it”. With such a drastically changing society, it’s nice to know a gentleman like you is down the road. Thank you for being you.
M….. is Brescia Bound. Food and Nutrition Program. Thanks for your help last summer!
Thank you and thanks again for your help last night … You seemed to have set us on a course that “feels” better now. The fact S….. does not NEED those bio courses is huge!! You do a good job!
“Thanks for your assistance yesterday. I admire that you are so knowledgeable and passionate about your area of expertise.”
“Thank you for your time last time – it was very informative. They were thinking business but this solidified it for them, plus it gave them an idea of which part of business they should consider. What a valuable resource you provide to our young people!”
“You helped us narrow down a career path for our daughter …………. She is, at first year MacMaster in the Integrated Science program and absolutely loving it… It is truly a perfect fit for her, stretching her academically, as well as for her personality.”
“I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me, I can’t believe I’ve been at Waterloo for a whole month already! I’m really enjoying my classes (even though there is a lot of readings and midterms started on the 4th week). Renison is so nice! Our Don has used our room for tours because we surprisingly are the neatest on our floor. I’ve attached some photos from my first month at school, it’s going so quickly I can’t believe it. So thank you so much again and I hope you had a great thanksgiving!”
“You were so much help to both A….. and B….. and me. The whole process was overwhelming and confusing, but with all your guidance and help it made the process easy.”
“It’s hard to believe 2 years has past since we saw you last for our son D……Now, it’s his brother’s turn!”
“I know a lot of my friends have been in to see you and all have nothing but great things to say about how you helped them all….so, thank you for what you do!”
“Thanks so much for your services, I think C…… felt she was heading in the direction indicated by the assessment results, but felt better having an objective confirmation. She thoroughly enjoyed your consultation.”
“I am currently studying journalism at Humber College, one of the programs you helped me to discover and I want to let you know I am thoroughly enjoying it. Thanks again for all your help!”
“Thank you for your amazing assistance with our son K…… He met the college application deadline and has already been accepted to Mohawk, Canadore, and Fleming College. Again, thank you for everything. I have never seen K…..so motivated.”
“I would like to thank your for the time you spent with A……..and I. You were definitely helpful, guided us not only to a more precise career direction, but also helped ease the anxiety about the application process. Your website is great, the useful links are a great resource.”
“Yesterday’s session led to continued discussion on the drive back. We both appreciate the information you have shared, and will set about making our way through it. As well, your guidance has been invaluable. We are very glad that we spent some time with you!”
“B… accepted the offer at UOIT and has even gotten into residence (although it is not the one she was hoping for). She is a very thrilled and happy young lady. It has been a roller coaster of emotion and stress but we are now on our way to success.”
“I have sent several families to you in the past year. I am happy to hear how much they valued and appreciated your direction and professional feedback. Good news to share. D….. has been accepted in all her choices, in Public Relations/ Communications programs.”
“Thank you so much for your work with O….. and the extra information on the U. S. Each child has brought different challenges!!”
“Just giving you an update on C’s university status. We went to a number of open houses in the fall and settled upon three universities, McMaster (Health Studies), Western (Kinesiology & Health Studies) and Waterloo (Health Promotion Co-op). She received early acceptances to both Waterloo and Western. We are leaning towards Waterloo Health Promotion as it is co-op and believe this will be a better fit for her interests and abilities. The program has 25 openings and she was fortunate enough to secure herself a spot. We are so relieved/happy.”
“Just wanted to make it abundantly clear how grateful we are for your excellent help! I was very amazed at the detail involved in all the info you gave us, and how thoroughly you were able to cover each and every aspect of the university preparation, and entry process. But what most impressed me actually, was your ability to get and hold A……’s attention, to guide and even suggest, in a very subtle non-controlling manner several tips which would have been rebuffed if given by her parents. That’s quite a talent you have!”
“We also wanted to thank you for your thorough analysis of E…..’s survey and the introduction to so many online resources. She was very excited after our meeting last evening and will be diving into the material.”
“Looking forward to sifting through all the information. M…… says it will give him a new area to look at.”
“G……s marks went up substantially last semester and I’m sure they’ll be great in Grade 12 since he’s gained a sense of direction.”
“I brought my daughter …… to see you about 3 years ago, and was wondering if you would be available to work with my other daughter as well. If you could email me back and let me know, I would appreciate it. By the way, we followed your recommendations and …. has finished 2 years of her engineering degree at McMaster and is loving it. Thanks!”
“You have provided her and us with a great collection of options and we REALLY appreciate it! Time will tell as to where it takes her but any/all of the info. to assist in guiding her choices are so helpful.”
“I just thought since you were so helpful, I would give you an update. I applied to Humber for the Law Clerk program, and as of tonight I have been accepted! Thank you so much for your help.”
“Thank you so much for all of your help with developing a new outlook on my future academic and career life. I went into the Recruiting office yesterday with my mum, and a future as a Legal Officer in the military sounds exactly like me. I am truly excited to start pursuing it. I’ll be able to enlist at the beginning of 2013.”
“Thank-you, I applied today, I decided to apply for the law clerk programs and one hospitality program, went to visit Fanshawe and it looks like that is where I am most interested [in going] right now. I think I am also going to work at a law firm for co-op. It sounds very interesting, and matches my personality so I want to give it a chance. Thank you so much for your help, I didn’t even think about a law clerk.
“Thank you so much for your help and guidance over the past few months as I contemplated my university decisions. You have been so helpful and have contributed to the ease of my decision.”
“Thank you for your time today. It was most enlightening and has renewed some spirit and excitement for me and for my future.”
Parents of “C”
“Thanks very much for an informative and insightful meeting. While there is still plenty to do, I think C…. feels like he has some direction for next year. I have some friends who have kids in grade 11 who may contact you as they found our experience quite interesting.”
Parents of “D” and “E”
“We had some good news in our family. E… was awarded one of the SSHRC awards in the 2010 Master’s scholarship competition. We’ll never forget how helpful you were when our girls were making the big decisions about their education! I know our girls always think of Fred as their guidance counsellor.”
Mother of “F”
“My daughter F… took your course back in 2006. She has just finished her first year of university at McMaster and is majoring in speech pathology. Your course pointed her in the direction of the medical field.”
Father of “G” and “H”
“My daughter is entering grade 11 and is very interested in having an assessment completed to see if she is directing her course choices correctly for university. You assisted G…. a few years back and he is in Justice Foundations at Humber (and) has completed his first year with a 73% average.”
Mother of “J”
“You helped us with our son J…. a few years back. He has followed your advice as per the career assessments you put together for him and is now at Humber College studying cabinet making…..We have recommended you several times since our son’s assessment ! You did a superb job !”
Mother of “K” and “L”
“I was happy to pass along your name. I think that what you do for young students is awesome ! L…. is so looking forward to meeting with you. K…. has applied to five universities for concurrent education…..She is doing very well this semester.
Mother of “M”
“Thank you so much for your patience in explaining his responsibilities.” (M… was having difficulty with study skills and time management) “My husband and I have been trying to get through to him without a lot of success. We both really appreciate the fact that you took the time and had the interest in him to finally get him to talk about his concerns. To us, it is a measure of your dedication as a teacher that you are willing to deal kindly with procrastination.”